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Ladybug Tattoo Design

The ladybug is the Official State Bug of Delaware, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Tennessee and Ohio.A Ladybug landing on a person will bring Good Fortune, and if one lands on you when you are ill, it takes the illness away.If a ladybug lands on the hand of a recently married woman the number of dots on its back is the number of children she will have.

Finding a ladybug is good luck (the redder the better) A ladybug on your clothing means you will soon get a new piece of clothing. The number of spots on a ladybug indicated the number of happy months lay ahead.
Folklore suggests if you catch a Ladybug in your home, count the number of spots and that's how many dollars you'll soon find.

If a ladybug lands on your hand and then flies away, it said to be good weather on the following Sunday. Killing a Ladybug is said to bring sadness and misfortune.To know the direction from which your future love will come catch a ladybug and chant the following:"Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home Your house is on fire and your children are gone."
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